lunes, 24 de abril de 2017

Post 4: Someone I'd like to meet

There’s some people I would love to meet, one of them is the writer John Katzenbach, he’s an American journalist who worked a few years in the judicial sphere giving him the inspiration to write amazing crime novels. Some of them are “The analyst”, “The wrong man”, “The madman’s tale” and “Red 1-2-3”. Some of his books were adapted to the big screen like “Just Cause” (starring Sean Connnery) and “Hart’s War” (starring Bruce Willis).
I’m a fan of him, I’ve read five of his books and I have three more of them in standby. It would be great to know Katzenbach and ask him about his inspiration and recommendations to a young writer (I’m really into crime novels).
John Katzenbach has been nominated to the “Edgar Award” (best mistery work of the past year) twice, but he didn’t win.

His first book “In the heat of summer” was published in 1982, since then he wrote 15 books, the last one “By persons unknown” was released in 2016. My favorite book of Katzenbach is “Madman’s Tale” because he can narrate the story of a crime inside an asylum from the perspective of a schizophrenic patient. In this book, he suggests the question “What’s madness?”

He’s a great writer and I recommend you all to give him a chance. Particularly if you are a crime novel fan too.

lunes, 17 de abril de 2017

Post 3: Election Day

I’m kind of traditional about elections. As soon as I aged 18, I subscribed in my district to be a voter. I’ve been voting since 2009, and this year will not be the exception, because I think that voting can make an impact, even the invalid votes are important, voting is a right and a duty. About electoral campaigns I think their objective isn’t very clear, a lot of effort in attack the other campaigns and not so much to expose their position, or their projects.

I guess a person who run for a public position must be interested in people, there´s a lot of politicians focused on making money or using their position for their own privileges. We all need leaders whose focus is in the well-being of the society, not just for a few of us.
Personally, I’m not interested in getting involved in politics, I don’t have the vocation to do that, also, I don’t feel much prepared to that kind of challenge.

My district is one of the wealthiest in the whole nation, Las Condes, and I’ve seen the lack of empathy with those who haven’t the same opportunities or benefits. I don’t think the electoral campaigns are wrong here, there’s much more work to do with the selfish, greedy and discriminator people who lives in here.

lunes, 10 de abril de 2017

Post 2: The Best Concert ever

The best concert I can remember was one of Jorge Drexler, particularly the 2014 concert (he comes almost every year). He is one of my favorite artists and in this concert I met him. It was in the Caupolican Theatre (as usual), I went there with my girlfriend Carla and my best friend Diego, we had a great time because he played a lot of great songs that we were expecting to be played. When we were about to leave my best friend said "What if we wait for him in the backdoor?", it was the best idea ever. Even though it was cold outside we were waiting for almost 45 minutes, then suddenly he opened the door and saluted all the fans who were waiting out there. I told him I admired him and he was very thankful, he gave a hug to everyone and then we could take a picture of us (the one above, you can see Carla, Jorge Drexler, Diego, behind some intruder, and with the green scarf me).

lunes, 3 de abril de 2017

Post 1: A Country I would like to visit

It would be great to visit Spain, even though I've never been there before I have the feeling that it is a wonderful place...specially Barcelona.  Its food is great, the architecture is awesome (just look this picture of Sagrada Familia's church) and I've been told the universities there are great. One of my brothers was a student there once, and he told me that Barcelona is an awesome place to study, to eat, to party (not the best combination) and also to travel -there's so much culture in just one place- he told... With those references it's pretty obvious I would love to visit that place. When I think in the best moment to go, it could be in a few years to do a PhD (maybe more than a few), in that case my plans involve studying, working and living in won't be easy, but it's not as much harder as living without food or with no roof over my head.